Waduh, Antartika Terus Meleleh
Friday, March 20, 2009
Daratan es di Antartika Barat, sejak 3-5 juta tahun yang lalu hingga saat ini masih terus kolaps. Akibatnya, berdasarkan penelitian sisa wilayah yang berada di bawah daratan laut Ross, ketinggian permukaan laut global bertambah lebih dari 5 meter.
Kolapsnya dataran es itu, menurut perkiraan model komputer terbaru juga dipicu oleh suhu perairan Antartika yang mulai menghangat.
“Apa yang terjadi di masa lalu ini merupakan sebuah gambaran bahwa kita akan kehilangan dataran es di Antartika Barat,” demikian paparan direktur Antarctic Research Centre di Victoria University Selandia Baru, Tim Naish. Ia memimpin sebuah studi yang dilansir jurnal Nature edisi Kamis (19/3), seperti dikutip AP.
Ukuran Antartika Barat kira-kira sebesar bagian tenggara benua Amerika. Selama beberapa tahun belakangan ini, dataran es sedikit demi sedikit terpotong. Beberapa di antaranya sudah kolaps atau meleleh. Para ahli memantau perkembangan dataran tersebut dan mengkhawatirkan pelelehan seluruh kawasan itu.
Beruntung pelelehan itu terjadi dalam ratusan atau ribuan tahun mendatang, lebih lambat dari yang selama ini diprediksikan. Sebuah penelitian lainnya pernah menyimpulkan, Antartika Barat akan kolaps jika terjadi perubahan suhu yang mencapai 9 derajat. Perubahan itu diperkirakan tercapai pada 2100.
Jika pelelehan itu disebabkan oleh air laut yang hangat, maka menghentikan atau membalikkan proses itu akan semakin sulit. Dosen geoscience University of Massachusetts, Robert DeConto yang juga menulis studi itu, mengatakan iklim di Antartika Barat lebih cepat menghangat ketimbang bagian bumi lainnya.
Pesan yang disampaikan laporan itu, para ahli harus secepatnya menemukan cara menekan emisi global atau level permukaan laut global akan bertambah 5 meter lagi beberapa abad ke depan. Antartika Barat meleleh secara teratur setiap 40 ribu tahun sekali ketika temperatur bumi 5 derajat lebih hangat dan level CO2 tinggi. Pelelehan itu mengubah juga derajat kemiringan bumi. [vin]
Source: http://www.inilah.com/berita/teknologi/2009/03/20/92163/waduh-antartika-terus-meleleh/
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Vote Earth Hour 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming. For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming.
Switch off your light for 1 hour
WE can change the world!
* ensure unused electronics is switch off, NOT stand by
Saturday, 28 March 2009, at 8.30 pm - 9.30 pm local time
It is the time for YOU as individual to vote FOR Earth:
Be apart of one billion people participating in this campaign.
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Earth Hour 2009 – What Will You Be Doing?
Here are 10 different ways to spend Earth Hour and reduce your carbon footprint:
Source: http://www.earthhour.org/news/default:en/article?id=eh6527867418953572277
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Curse of the Golden Flower Movie
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
China, Later Tang Dynasty, 10th Century.
On the eve of the Chong Yang Festival, golden flowers fill the Imperial Palace. The Emperor (Chow Yun Fat) returns unexpectedly with his second son, Prince Jai (Jay Chou). His pretext is to celebrate the holiday with his family, but given the chilled relations between the Emperor and the ailing Empress (Gong Li), this seems disingenuous.
For many years, the Empress and Crown Prince Wan (Liu Ye), her stepson, have had an illicit liaison. Feeling trapped, Prince Wan dreams of escaping the palace with his secret love Chan (Li Man), the Imperial Doctor's daughter.
Meanwhile, Prince Jai, the faithful son, grows worried over the Empress's health and her obsession with golden chrysanthemums. Could she be headed down an ominous path?
The Emperor harbors equally clandestine plans; the Imperial Doctor (Ni Dahong) is the only one privy to his machinations. When the Emperor senses a looming threat, he relocates the doctor's family from the Palace to a remote area.
While they are en route, mysterious assassins attack them. Chan and her mother, Jiang Shi (Chen Jin) are forced back to the palace. Their return sets off a tumultuous sequence of dark surprises.
Amid the glamour and grandeur of the festival, ugly secrets are revealed. As the Imperial Family continues its elaborate charade in a palatial setting, thousands of golden armored warriors charge the palace. Who is behind this brutal rebellion? Where do Prince Jai's loyalties lie? Between love and desire, is there a final winner?
Against a moonlit night, thousands of chrysanthemum blossoms are trampled as blood spills across the Imperial Palace.
keren abis nih film...walaupun ud sering nonton di stasiun tv, ga bosen2 nonton ini,,,bener2 film kolosal yg artistik... dari pakaian Empress nya ampe setting pasukan ny,,,bener2 hebat nih film...gw telat bgt yak nonton nih film...hiks....lebih seru ky ny di bioskop deh,,,suara menggelegar nya pasti keluar...wuuuaaaa....
caooo,,, dinni
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Mitos Seputar Parfum
Friday, March 13, 2009
Pendapat ini lebih banyak salahnya daripada benarnya. Kalaupun benar, perpecahan yang terjadi karena penerima merasa tersinggung karena merasa parfum yang biasa dipakai tidak enak bagi pemberi hadiah.
Oleskan parfum dibelakang telinga.
Salah. Menurut Roja Dove, profesor dari Guerlain, minyak dibelakang telinga akan merubah aroma parfum. Sebaiknya dioleskan pada tulang selangka yaitu tulang pada pangkal leher.
Aroma parfum menyembuhkan impotensi atau frigiditas.
Tidak benar. Walaupun parfum mengandung zat yang mampu memacu otak mengeluarkan aphrodiasiac namun aprhodiasiac bukanlah obat penyembuh impotensi.
Memakai parfum akan menambah semangat dan tidak mudah lelah.
Mungkin ada benarnya. Diantara jenis parfum, ada yang mengandung bahan yang menciptakan semangat seperti dari bunga amber atau vanila.
Aroma parfum tertentu bisa membuat mimpi indah.
Mungkin juga benar karen penelitian Max Planck dari Institut Psikiatri Munich di Jerman dapat membuktikannya.
Angka 5 pada parfum Chanel No.5 adalah angka seri parfum dari Coco Chanel.
Salah. Nama tersebut diberikan karena Coco Chanel memilih botol kelima dari seri wewangian yang dipresenasikan oleh Ernest Beaux. (Peluncurannya sendiri tanggal 5 bulan ke-5).
Parfum adalah wewangian 'terkeras' dalam tingkatan wewangian.
Salah. Justru parfum tergolong yang terlembut. Sementara itu eau de toilette yang dinilai 'teringan' ternyata memiliki aroma paling agresif.
Nama seseorang di belakang merek parfum adalah pembuatnya.
Tidak selalu benar. Misalnya, merek parfum Eau d'Hadrien tidak dikeluarkan oleh Hadrien karen Hadrien sendiri adalah nama penguasa Romawi yang bisexual.
Notes:Untuk memindahkan parfum dari botol biasa ke botol dengan semprot (atomizer), langkah pertama adalah membersihkan dulu botol atomizer dengan sedikit vodka, bilas dengan air dan diamkan hingga kering sebelum dimasuki wewangian.
Kulit berwarna terang cenderung kering dan kurang kandungan minyak sehingga aroma wewangian mudah hilang. Berbeda dengan kulit berwarna gelap yang umumnya berminyak, justru menahan aroma wewangian lebih lama.
Simpan wewangian ditempat yang sejuk dan gelap. Sinar matahari akan mempengaruhi aromanya. Beberapa jenis wewangian mampu bertahan sampai 18 bulan jika disimpan secara tepat. Wewangian dengan aroma bunga biasanya bertahan satu tahun sedangkan yang lebih ringan seperti citrus, tak dapat bertahan lama.
Musim dingin menekan aroma wewangian, pakailah parfum dengan aroma kuat. Sebaliknya pada musim panas, merangsang aroma wewangian, pakailah yang lebih lembut dan sering.
Wewangian dapat merusak aksesori dan bahan pakaian sepertifurs, sintetis dan bahan halus. Jangan pernah menyemprot wewangian pada pakaian atau aksesori.
Jika warna parfum berubah lebih gelap dari warna aslinya atau jika base notes sedikit berbau 'asam' menunjukkan bahwa parfum tersebut sudah tidak layak untuk dipakai.
Source: http://hakuo1st.blogspot.com/2009/03/mitos-parfum.html
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Ten Most Unique Churches
1. Harajuku: Japanese Futuristic Church
This futuristic protestant church is located in Tokyo and it was first unveiled by the design firm of Ciel Rouge Creation in 2005. The ceiling is specially made to reverberate natural sound for 2 seconds to provide a unique listening experience for worshipers and tourists.
2. Saint Basil's Cathedral: The Red Square 's Colorful Church
(photo: Lst1984)
The St. Basil's Cathedral is located on the Red Square in Moscow , Russia . A Russian Orthodox church , the Cathedral sports a series of colorful bulbous domes that taper to a point , aptly named onion domes , that are part of Moscow's Kremlin skyline. The cathedral was commissioned by Ivan the Terrible to commemorate the capture of the Khanate of Kazan. In 1588 Tsar Fedor Ivanovich had a chapel added on the eastern side above the grave of Basil Fool for Christ , a Russian Orthodox saint after whom the cathedral was popularly named.
3. Hallgrímskirkja: Iceland 's Most Amazing Church
The Hallgrímskirkja (literally , the church of Hallgrímur ) is a Lutheran parish church located in Reykjavík , Iceland . At 74.5 metres (244 ft) , it is the fourth tallest architectural structure in Iceland . The church is named after the Icelandic poet and clergyman Hallgrímur Pétursson (1614 to 1674) , author of the Passion Hymns. State Architect Guðjón Samúelsson's design of the church was commissioned in 1937; it took 38 years to build it.
4. Temppeliaukio Kirkko: The Rock Church
The Temppeliaukio Kirkko ( Rock Church ) is a thrilling work of modern architecture in Helsinki . Completed in 1952 , it is built entirely underground and has a ceiling made of copper wire. It was designed by architect brothers Timo and Tuomo Suomalainen and completed in 1969. They chose a rocky outcrop rising about 40 feet above street level , and blasted out the walls from the inside. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Helsinki and frequently full of visitors.5. Cathedral of Brasília: The Modern Church of architect Oscar Niemeyer
The Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida in the capital of Brazil is an expression of the architect Oscar Niemeyer. This concrete-framed hyperboloid structure , seems with its glass roof to be reaching up , open , to heaven. On 31 May 1970 , the Cathedral's structure was finished , and only the 70 m diameter of the circular area were visible. Niemeyer's project of Cathedral of Brasília is based in the hyperboloid of revolution which sections are asymmetric. The hyperboloid structure itself is a result of 16 identical assembled concrete columns. These columns , having hyperbolic section and weighing 90 t , represent two hands moving upwards to heaven. The Cathedral was dedicated on 31 May 1970.
6. Borgund Church: Best Preserved Stave Church
The Borgund Stave Church in Lærdal is the best preserved of Norway 's 28 extant stave churches. This wooden church , probably built in the end of the 12th century , has not changed structure or had a major reconstruction since the date it was built. The church is also featured as a Wonder for the Viking civilization in the video game Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings.
7. Las Lajas Cathedral: A Gothic Church Worthy of a Fairy Tale
The Las Lajas Cathedral is located in southern Colombia and built in 1916 inside the canyon of the Guaitara River . According to the legend , this was the place where an indian woman named María Mueses de Quiñones was carrying her deaf-mute daughter Rosa on her back near Las Lajas ("The Rocks"). Weary of the climb , the María sat down on a rock when Rosa spoke (for the first time) about an apparition in a cave. Later on , a mysterious painting of the Virgin Mary carrying a baby was discovered on the wall of the cave. Supposedly , studies of the painting showed no proof of paint or pigments on the rock - instead , when a core sample was taken , it was found that the colors were impregnated in the rock itself to a depth of several feet. Whether true or not , the legend spurred the building of this amazing church.
8. St. Joseph Church: Known for its Thirteen Gold Domed Roof
The St. Joseph The Betrothed is an Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Chicago . Built in 1956 , it is most known for its ultra-modern thirteen gold domed roof symbolizing the twelve apostles and Jesus Christ as the largest center dome. The interior of the church is completely adorned with byzantine style icons (frescoes). Unfortunately the iconographer was deported back to his homeland before he was able to write the names of all the saints as prescribed by iconographic traditions.
9. Ružica Church: Where Chandeliers are made of Bullet Shells
Located over the Kalemegdan Fortress in Belgrade , Serbia , the Ružica Church is a small chapel decorated with... with trench art! Its chandeliers are entirely made of spent bullet casing , swords , and cannon parts. The space the church now occupies was used by the Turks as gunpowder storage for over 100 years and it had to be largely rebuilt in 1920 after WWI. Though damaged by bombings there was an upshot to the terrible carnage of The Great War. While fighting alongside England and the US , Serbian soldiers on the Thessaloniki front took the time to put together these amazing chandeliers. It is one of the world's finest examples of trench art.
10. Chapel of St-Gildas: Built into the base of a bare rocky cliff
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Bila BlackBerry Tercebur ke Air
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Lalu apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan gadget kesayangan Anda itu? Ternyata ada tip yang jitu untuk meluruskan semuanya.
Bila kejadian itu menimpa Anda, lekas matikan BlackBerry, ponsel, atau gadget Anda itu, dengan melepas baterai dari slotnya. Ini dimaksudkan untuk menghindari korsleting atau hubungan arus pendek pada rangkaian elektronik gadget itu.
Kemudian, keringkan BlackBerry Anda yang basah dengan kain hingga kering. Lalu letakkan BlackBerry itu di atas tumpukan beras. Sebab, beras memiliki afinitas kimiawi (gaya tarik) terhadap air.
Artinya, molekul-molekul pada beras memiliki semacam gaya magnet pada molekul-molekul air, sehingga sisa-sisa air pada ponsel akan meresap ke dalam beras.
Sistem ini mungkin hampir sama dengan sistem yang dimiliki oleh bungkusan silica gel yang berfungsi untuk menjaga kelembaban suatu barang elektronika, atau barang lainnya.
Namun, mengenyahkan air dengan menggunakan beras juga bukan pertama kalinya diperkenalkan. Sebelumnya, beberapa orang telah menggunakan beras untuk menjaga botol garam agar ia tetap kering.
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Selamatkan Pantai dan Pulau Kecil
Gas-gas rumah kaca (GRK), terutama karbon dioksida yang terus teremisikan ke atmosfer tanpa henti bahkan terus merangkak naik sejak tiga abad lalu, telah menampakkan dampak buruknya secara nyata.
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Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dua wanita muda, Vicky (Rebecca Hall) dan Christina (Scarlett Johansson) berlibur ke Barcelona. Vicky memiliki sifat sensitive dan telah bertunangan; sementara Christina penuh emosi dan petualang cinta. Di Barcelona mereka terlibat cinta segitiga yang tak biasa dengan Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), seorang pelukis karismatik, yang masih berhubungan dengan mantan istrinya yang tempramental, Maria Elena (Penelope Cruz)
Review dr dini:
Film ini agak aneh alur cerita nya... Dari yang si Juan nya ma si Cristina trus ma si Vicky sampe si Maria Elena nya sama si Cristina... Tapi bo di film ini, Penelope Cruz menang Oscar "Best Supporting Actress" dan film ini menang di beberapa Festival Film... Bagus sih cuma alur cerita nya aj yang rada aneh (buat gw loh...)
Tapi di luar itu semua, setting tempatnya bener2 keren. Barcelona gt.... salah satu tempat yang pengen gw datengin...
Bravo deh buat Penelope Cruz...
XOXO, dini
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